Info on the schools under review (4/9/2019)

We post here some documents about the three proposed schools currently (as of 4/9/2019, to the best of our knowledge) under review by Interim President Dorsey.

I. Original schools opposed by faculty 

The three schools below have been rejected by faculty in their units, the Faculty Senate, and the Graduate Council, but have nonetheless been approved by Interim Chancellor Dunn and forwarded to Interim President Dorsey for his review.

There are two sorts of documents linked below. The first are the Program Change Plans. These provide the administration’s formal proposals and paperwork, but also, vitally, any dissenting opinions submitted by faculty.

The second type of document are the FA Reports on these proposals. These reviews were written for the Faculty Senate and Graduate Council, and represent the FA’s best effort to highlight issues we thought those bodies should consider as they voted on the relevant plans.

A page giving faculty votes by department for each school can be found here.

Agricultural Sciences

Program change plan

FA report

Analytics, Finance, and Economics

Program change plan

FA report


Program change plan

FA report

II. Revised schools with faculty support

Two other schools are also under review at the system level. These were resubmitted for faculty votes following some changes made as the result of settlement negotiations between the FA and the administration. Faculty voted in favor overall, but there are some no votes and dissenting views.

Here’s the backstory. The settlement between the FA and administration resulted in the Sports Administration faculty (and their program) being allowed to remain with their colleagues in Kinesiology in the proposed School of Human Sciences rather than being forced to move to Management and Marketing. This change allowed the FA to drop the relevant grievance, as it met the major concerns of our grievants. These schools were then subject to votes in the relevant units, but have not been reviewed again by the FS or GC (as part of the FA settlement, we agreed not to require this review, though neither does the settlement prevent such review). Nor has the FA done a new set of reports. 

Materials posted here include the original plans and FA reports. These contain much that remains relevant but have in some respects been superseded by subsequent events; subsequent events are reflected in the “new materials” the FA was provided as part of the new round of faculty votes this spring. These are supplied here in the rather undisgested form in which they were provided to us. 

Human Sciences

Original program change plan

Original FA report

New materials

School of Social Work Faculty Vote on Program Change Plan 2019

Faculty Meeting Minutes Special Reorg

School of Social Work Director Letter 2018 Reorganization

PVC-Approval Form-School of Human Sciences-Modified – KIN Vote

PVC-Approval Form-School of Human Sciences-Modified ASFN

PVC-Approval Form-School of Human Sciences-Modified

Copy of PHRP 3.25.19 Minutes

PVC-Approval Form-School of Human Sciences-Modified_1

Management and Marketing

Original program change plan

Original FA report

New materials

PVC-Approval Form-School of Management and Marketing-Modified

PVC-Approval Form-School of Management and Marketing-Modified – Marketing

Email from Management






About Dave Johnson
I'm an Associate Professor in Classics at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Among other things.

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